Research Article

Efficacy of 0.5% Levofloxacin and 5.0% Povidone-Iodine Eyedrops in Reducing Conjunctival Bacterial Flora: Metagenomic Analysis

Table 2

The alpha diversity indexes in each group.

Observed speciesShannonSimpsonChao1

Group 1183.19 ± 52.433.617 ± 1.0740.7558 ± 0.1564223.71 ± 63.87
Group 2167.48 ± 44.383.524 ± 1.0980.7158 ± 0.1561190.93 ± 52.63
Group 3127.06 ± 25.592.480 ± 0.9050.5168 ± 0.1597152.13 ± 34.19
Group 1 vs group 20.0980.6350.2170.009
Group 1 vs group 30.0000.0000.0000.000
Group 2 vs group 30.0000.0000.0000.000

Observed species, indicating the number of species (OTU) in the sample; Shannon, computed at the RDP Pyrosequencing Pipeline; Simpson, calculated with MOTHUR [20] using a distance matrix computed at RDP Pyrosequencing Pipeline; Chao1, the estimated richness of an environment based on 0.03 cutoff.