Research Article

Transsphenoidal Optic Canal Decompression for Traumatic Optic Neuropathy Assisted by a Computed Tomography Image Postprocessing Technique

Table 1

Clinical features of 22 patients with traumatic optic neuropathy.


Injury part
Bow7 (31.8%)
Zygoma8 (36.3%)
Head7 (31.8%)

State of conscience
Yes11 (50%)
No11 (50%)

Optic canal fracture
Yes5 (22.7%)
No17 (77.3)

Skull base fracture
Yes9 (40.9%)
No13 (59.1%)

Light reflex
Dull11 (50%)
Lost11 (50%)

NLP9 (40.9%)
LP4 (18.2%)
HM5 (22.7%)
CF3 (13.6%)
<0.11 (4.5%)

Time from injury to surgery
3–7 day1 (4.5%)
After 7 days21 (95.5)

Type of injury
Automobile accident6 (27.3%)
Blast3 (13.6%)
Fall8 (36.3%)
Assault5 (22.7%)