Clinical Study

Systemic Factors Associated with Treatment Response in Diabetic Macular Edema

Table 3

Association of various systemic factors with change in central subfield thickness (CST) and change in logMAR visual acuity (N = 33), (Mann–Whitney U test).

S/NSystemic factorReduction in CST valueChange in logMAR visual acuity value

1IHDNo (n = 23)98.43165.380.33710.0130.2390.7479
Yes (n = 10)44.3105.230.0060.193

2On dialysisNo (n = 30)77.63145.770.75420.0060.2340.2105
Yes (n = 3)126222.70.060.053

3Systolic BP≤140 (n = 11)71.73180.230.4337−
>140 (n = 22)87.18137.180.0160.192

4Diastolic BP≤90 (n = 29)79.31155.300.69940.2830.2280.1492
<90 (n = 4)101.75122.09−0.1150.160

5Creatinine≤120 (18)77.61134.90.6255−0.0080.2120.2582
<120 (n = 15)87.3171.470.0330.243

6eGFR>90 (n = 8)82.13172.00.88310.0580.2670.7961
<90 (n = 25)82146.44−0.0040.212

6Total cholesterol≤5.2 (n = 24)72.67147.390.7464−0.0180.1970.2905
>5.2 (n = 9)107.25163.70.0870.283

7Triglycerides</ = 2.2 (n = 22)91.14166.770.92390.0540.2440.1645
>2.2 (n = 11)63.82114.99−0.0750.153

8HDL cholesterol≥1 (n = 27)69.67134.70.77940.0020.2080.6322
<1 (n = 6)137.67213.20.050.307

9LDL cholesterol</ = 3.3 (n = 25)69.76145.020.5015−0.0170.1920.2627
>3.3 (n = 8)120.38169.670.0980.301

10LDL:  total cholesterol≤3.5 (n = 14)41.8675.490.8841−0.0540.1570.5558
>3.5 (n = 19)111.63183.860.0590.256

11HbA1c≤7 (n = 15)130.13158.440.0120.0010.2590.8821′
>7 (n = 18)41.94134.320.0190.197

12Serum VEGF≤308 (n = 10)41.1132.490.18940.0080.0650.6879
>308 (n = 23)99.83156.640.0120.267

CST, central subfield thickness; IHD, ischemic heart disease; BP, blood pressure; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoproteins; HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.