Research Article

Retinal Capillary Nonperfusion on OCT-Angiography and Its Relationship to Kidney Function in Patients with Diabetes

Table 2

Characteristics of 11 eyes examined with optical coherence tomography angiography.

VariableAll eyes (n = 11)Eyes without diabetic retinopathy (n = 4)Eyes with diabetic retinopathy (n = 7) value

30° nonperfusion, mean (SD)6.58% (4.23%)4.41% (1.30%)7.81% (4.91%)0.216
60° nonperfusion, mean (SD)16.90% (7.71%)11.15% (2.49%)20.18% (7.83%)0.057
30° vessel density, mean (SD)45.12% (1.81%)45.55% (2.52%)44.87% (1.46%)0.756
60° vessel density, mean (SD)41.54% (3.69%)43.28% (2.48%)40.54% (3.56%)0.154

Asterisk indicates eyes from participants with diabetes but without diabetic retinopathy as defined by Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study criteria.