Research Article

Clinical Effect and Rotational Stability of TICL in the Treatment of Myopic Astigmatism

Table 3

Binary logistic regression analysis to evaluate the risk factors for TICL rotation at 12 months after surgery.

VariableRegression coefficient (β) value

Age (y)0.0130.790
Sex (n)0.2160.691
Preoperative sphere (D)−0.0360.706
Preoperative cylinder (D)0.1640.630
Intraoperative fixation angle (°)0.1410.003
Mean central vault (mm)0.0010.776
Preoperative ACD (mm)−0.5870.607
Preoperative WTW (mm)−1.1910.076
Preoperative horizontal STS (mm)−0.4560.415
Preoperative vertical STS (mm)−0.5520.291
Axial length (mm)−0.2920.169
ICL diameter (mm)−1.3440.026

ACD = anterior chamber depth; WTW = white-to-white distance; STS = sulcus-to-sulcus distance.