Research Article

Function and Morphology of the Meibomian Glands Using a LipiView Interferometer in Rotating Shift Medical Staff

Table 1

Comparison between medical staff (MS) group and control group.

MS groupControl group value

M : F10:2120:110.011&
Age (y)26.55 ± 3.1521.91 ± 4.330.001
BMI20.92 ± 2.0021.19 ± 2.720.607#
DE parameters
TBUT(s)4.63 ± 3.587.83 ± 3.330.001
Schirmer I (mm)19.97 ± 10.1717.77 ± 6.580.178
SPEED (score)7.94 ± 3.813.65 ± 2.110.000
OSDI (score)22.39 ± 13.429.87 ± 6.640.001
MGD parameters
Max ICU (nm)76.03 ± 18.7390.06 ± 13.910.001
Mean ICU (nm)55.02 ± 21.1772.76 ± 21.620.001
Min ICU (nm)44.58 ± 18.4258.23 ± 19.280.001
PB rate (%)63.72 ± 35.8168.18 ± 35.290.534
MGYLS (score)5.43 ± 3.988.33 ± 4.500.001
MGYCS (score)4.68 ± 4.096.00 ± 4.740.112
MGYSS (score)15.48 ± 11.7822.50 ± 13.010.002

MS: medical staff; N: number; M: male; F: female; BMI: body mass index; TBUT: tear film break-up time; SPEED: standard patient evaluation of eye dryness; OSDI: Ocular Surface Disease Index; ICU: interferometry color units; PB: partial blink; MGD: meibomian gland dysfunction; MGYLS: meibomian gland yielding liquid secretion; MGYCS: meibomian gland yielding clear liquid secretion; and MGYSS: meibomian gland yielding secretion score. &Chi-square test; Wilcoxon signed-rank test; #Independent-sample t-test.