Clinical Study

Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) for Moderate and High Myopia: Seven-Year Outcomes of Refraction, Corneal Tomography, and Wavefront Aberrations

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients.

ParametersMean ± SD (range)

Gender (n/n)9 males/17 females
Age (years)28.27 ± 7.76 (18 to 43)
Average follow-up (months)82.53 ± 8.5 (73 to 101)
IOP (mmHg)16.50 ± 1.69 (13.6 to 19.5)
Axial length26.02 ± 0.80 (24.12 to 27.29)
MRSE (D)−6.33 ± 1.19 (−8.75 to −4.38)
Manifest sphere (D)−5.95 ± 1.14 (−8.50 to −4.25)
Manifest cylinder (D)−0.76 ± 0.48 (−1.50 to 0)
Lenticule thickness (μm)125.92 ± 18.32 (95 to 164)

D = diopters; MRSE = manifest refraction spherical equivalent; IOP = intraocular pressure.