Clinical Study

Intraoperative Posterior Chamber Irrigation to Enhance Vitreous Cavity Support during Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery after Vitrectomy

Table 1

Characteristics of patients receiving posterior chamber irrigation procedure during phacoemulsification after the previous vitrectomy.

CaseGenderAge (yrs)EyeBCVA (pre-op)AL (mm)Nuclei gradingRetinopathyPrevious surgeriesTamponadeInterval between PPV and phaco (mos)Time phase of preirrigationBCVA (3 months post-op)

1M49odCounting fingers23.13PDR(1) PPV(1) Silicone oil7Before phaco; after phaco; after IOL implantation20/70
(2) Silicone oil removal(2) Expanding gas
osCounting fingers22.93PDR(1) PPV(1) Silicone oil4Before phaco20/100
(2) Silicone oil removal(2) Expanding gas
2M62osCounting fingers25.24RRDPPVExpanding gas29Before capsulorhexis; after IOL implantation20/200
3M57os20/20029.44PM, RRDPPVExpanding gas28Before capsulorhexis; before IOL implantation20/70
4F54os20/20024.53RRDPPVExpanding gas38Before IOL implantation20/70
5M59os20/40029.43PM, RRDPPVExpanding gas37Before IOL implantation; after IOL implantation20/50
6F49odHM23.22MH, RRDPPVExpanding gas3Before capsulorhexis; before IOL implantation20/200
7M62od20/20028.34PM, RRDPPVExpanding gas144Before capsulorhexis, before IOL implantation20/50
8M39od20/20030.13PM, RRD(1) SB(1)No tamponade48Before phaco; after phaco; before IOL implantation20/70
(2) PPV(2) Expanding gas
9M49odHM29.64PM, RRD(1) PPV(1) Silicone oil36Before phaco20/200
(2) Removal of silicone oil(2) Air

AL, axial length; BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; F, female; M, male; MH, macular hole; PM, pathologic myopia; IOL, intraocular lens; HM, hand move; RRD, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment; phaco, phacoemulsification; PDR, proliferative diabetic retinopathy; PPV, pars plana vitrectomy; SB, scleral buckle.