Research Article

The Petri Dish-N2B27 Culture Condition Maintains RPE Phenotype by Inhibiting Cell Proliferation and mTOR Activation

Figure 6

Characteristics of SD rat RPE cells under different in vitro culture conditions. (a–d) Images of RPE cells cultured in different culture systems at 1 month. Scale bar: 100 μm. (e) QPCR analysis of RPE65, CRALBP, and bestrophin expressions in RPE cells from SD rats at 1 month in different culture conditions. (f) Expression levels of N-cadherin, fibronectin, and α-SMA in SD rat RPE cells at 1 month in different culture conditions. Cell density: 1,5000 cells/cm2. Data were expressed as mean ± SD. n = 4 in each group. , the petri dish-N2B27 group versus the other three groups at 1 month in four culture conditions. (a) CC dish-FBS. (b) CC dish-N2B27. (c) Petri dish-FBS. (d) Petri dish-N2B27.