Research Article

Choroidal Neovascularization Secondary to Central Serous Chorioretinopathy: OCT Angiography Findings and Risk Factors

Table 2

Optical coherence tomography parameters of study eyes.

Total (n = 108)Group A (n = 31)Group B (n = 77)

CST, µm406.24 (129.46)406.84 (114.18)406.00 (135.82)0.709
PED, n (%)0.336
 Yes94 (87.04)29 (93.55)65 (84.41)
 No14 (12.96)2 (6.45)12 (15.58)
PED height, µm58.99 (57.69)57.52 (28.61)59.58 (66.04)0.216
PED width, µm671.53 (507.12)1107.13 (538.97)496.16 (372.62)<0.001
SCT, µm389.64 (101.71)376.90 (84.79)394.76 (107.86)0.622
SRF height, µm206.78 (122.87)187.42 (98.41)214.57 (131.21)0.429
SRF width, µm2712.70 (1344.70)2622.94 (908.59)2748.84 (1488.39)0.644
IRF, n (%)1.00
 Yes1 (0.93)0 (0)1 (1.30)
 No107 (99.07)31 (100)76 (98.70)

Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) unless otherwise indicated. Student’s t-test; chi-squared test. CST, central subfield thickness; PED, pigment epithelial detachment; SCT, subfoveal choroidal thickness; SRF, subretinal fluid; IRF, intraretinal fluid.