Review Article

Cataract Surgery with or without Intraocular Lens Implantation in Pediatric Uveitis: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses

Table 2

Distribution of uveitis subtypes among eligible patients for this review.

ReferenceUveitis subtypes

Artigas et al. [30]JIA-associated uveitis (11 eyes)

Beal and Wang [31]Any uveitis (32 eyes)

BenEzra and Cohen [31]JIA-associated (9 eyes) and non-JIA-associated uveitis (11 eyes)

Guindolet et al. [32]JIA-associated (9 eyes) and non-JIA-associated uveitis (11 eyes)

Kemp et al. [33]JIA-associated (7 eyes) uveitis, juvenile xanthogranulomatosis (1 eye), and idiopathic uveitis (1 eye)

Kotaniemi and Penttilä [20]JIA-associated uveitis (39 eyes)

O’Rourke et al. [34]Idiopathic uveitis (5 eyes), JIA-associated uveitis (2 eyes), ocular tuberculosis (2 eyes), and HLA-B27 associated uveitis (1 eye)

Quinones et al. [35]JIA-associated uveitis (21 eyes), pars planitis (7 eyes), other uveitis (6 eyes; idiopathic, HZV-associated, sarcoid panuveitis)

Sijssens et al. [36]JIA-associated uveitis (48 eyes)

Yangzes et al. [21]JIA-associated uveitis (19 eyes), ocular tuberculosis (8 eyes), idiopathic uveitis (4 eyes), Behçet’s disease (2 eyes), VKH disease (2 eyes), HLA-B27 associated uveitis (1 eye), and toxocariasis (1 eye)

HLA = human leukocyte antigen; HZV = herpes zoster virus; JIA = juvenile idiopathic arthritis; VKH = Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada.