Research Article

Logistic Regression Model Using Scheimpflug-Placido Cornea Topographer Parameters to Diagnose Keratoconus

Table 4

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis of the parameters where AUROC values are greater than 0.9 95% confidence interval.

ParameterAUROCSELowerUpperCut-off valueSensitivity (%)Specificity (%)

Corneal indices
TCT (μm)0.9560.0120.9330.979500.590.490.8
Kmax (D)0.9270.0160.8950.95947.858488.3
CCT (μm)0.9340.0150.9040.963511.587.288.3

Specially calculated indices
Kmax/TCT (D/μm)0.9740.0090.9570.9910.09789.697.5
Kmax2/TCT (D2/μm)0, 9750.0080.9590.9910.000189.697.5

Keratometry readings
Anterior Ø = 3 mm K2 (D)0.9010.0200.8620.94045.6081.686.7
Posterior Ø = 3 mm K2 (D)0.9190.020.8770.961−6.7385.695

Shape indices
Anterior rs (D)0.9090.0190.8710.94746.3679.294.2
Anterior RMS/A (μm/mm2)0.9650.0130.9400.9900.06590.495.8
Posterior rs (D)0.9060.0230.8610.951−6.708495.8
Posterior RMS/A (μm/mm2)0.9740.0110.9530.9950.16592.896.7

Keratoconus indices
SIf (D)0.9500.0170.9170.9830.8988.898.3
KVf (μm)0.9740.0090.9560.9929.59294.2
BCVf (D)0.9760.010.9560.9960.5192.896.7
SIb (D)0.9360.0820.8970.9740.22588.898.3
KVb (μm)0.9650.0130.9390.99020.59295.8
BCVb (D)0.9650.0130.9400.9900.55588.897.5

HOAs (µm)0.9400.0160.9090.9720.6085.693.3
Coma Z (3, ±1) (µm)0.9330.0170.8990.9660.3981.696.7
Residual (µm)0.9070.0200.8680.9450.29590.479.2

HOAs (µm)0.9750.0090.9580.9920.57588.897.5
Coma Z (3, ±1) (µm)0.9630.0110.9410.9860.37587.297.5
Residual (µm)0.9500.0140.9230.9770.27089.689.2

OPD (µm)0.9110.0200.8700.9510.37585.690
HOAs (µm)0.9130.0190.8760.9510.3058489.2
Coma Z (3, ±1) (µm)0.9590.0140.9330.9860.07591.297.5

AUROC: area under the ROC curve; SE: standard error; TCT = minimum corneal thickness; Kmax = keratometry of the steepest point recorded from the anterior tangential map; CCT = central corneal thickness; K2 = steep keratometry; rs = apical radius of the steepest meridian of the aspherotoric surface in 4.5 mm zone of the cornea; RMS/A: root mean square values per unit area in 4.5 mm zone of the cornea; SIf = symmetry index front; KVf = keratoconus vertex front index; BCVf = Baiocchi Calossi Versaci front index; SIb = symmetry index back; KVb = keratoconus vertex back index; BCVb = Baiocchi Calossi Versaci back index; OPD = total wavefront error; HOAs = higher-order aberrations OPD = total wavefront error; HOAs = higher-order aberrations.