Research Article

Clinical Characteristics and Visual Outcomes in Patients with Intralenticular Foreign Bodies with Self-Sealing Corneal Penetrating Wounds

Figure 2

Patient 10 with iris defect and localized cataract. (a) Anterior segment photograph revealing a peripheral self-sealing corneal penetrating wound at the 7 o’clock position and an iris defect at the 6 o’clock position. (b)-(c) A metallic-like foreign body and localized cataract identified after pupil dilation. (d) A scanning laser ophthalmoscopic image showing a shadow caused by the traumatic cataract. (e)–(g) Anterior segment photographs showing the round pupil with the iris defect and the well-centered IOL 3 months after surgery. (h) Retinal arteriolar narrowing, pigmentary retinal degeneration, optic disc swelling, and cystoid macular edema not observed on the scanning laser ophthalmoscopic image. IOL, intraocular lens.