Research Article

Long-Term Effect of Silicone Oil Tamponade for Postoperative and Posttraumatic Bacterial Endophthalmitis

Table 4

Factor associated with final visual acuity.

FactorFinal visual acuity value
Better than 20/200 (%)Worse than 20/200 (%)

Age, years0.300
 Median, range66, 25–8660.5, 3–92
 Male14 (36.8%)24 (63.2%)0.445
 Female9 (47.4%)10 (52.6%)
Time from sign to surgery0.032
 18 (78.3%)5 (21.7%)
 >48 h17 (50.0%)17 (50.0%)
Vitrectomy instrument0.344
 20-G12 (35.3%)22 (64.7%)
 23-G11 (47.8%)12 (52.2%)
Initial BCVA0.007
 >Hand motion8 (88.9%)1 (11.1%)
 ≤Hand motion17 (35.4%)31 (64.6%)
Removal of lens and capsule0.783
 Yes12 (38.7%)19 (61.3%)
 No11 (42.3%)15 (57.7%)
Additional surgery after initial vitrectomy0.006
 Yes1 (7.7%)12 (92.3%)
 No22 (50.0%)22 (50.0%)
Growth of culture0.629
 Positive13 (43.3%)17 (56.7%)
 Negative10 (37.0%)17 (63.0%)
Staphylococcus species7 (63.6%)4 (36.4%)
Streptococcus species5 (55.6%)4 (44.4%)
Enterococcus faecalis1 (12.5%)7 (87.5%)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa0 (0.0%)2 (100.0%)

Data expressed as median and range and compared by the Mann–Whitney test; data expressed as count and percentage and tested by the chi-square test; data expressed as count and percentage and tested by Fisher’s exact test; data expressed as count and percentage and tested by linear-by-linear association.