Research Article

Endophthalmitis following Intravitreal Injection, Cataract Surgery, and Vitrectomy: Clinical Features and Visual Outcomes

Table 2

Variable comparison and analysis of presumed endophthalmitis cases (n = 61) after cataract surgery and pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) in Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João.

Cataract surgery (n = 27)PPV (n = 9) value

Final VA (logMAR) [95% CI]0,3 (0,2; 2,0) [0,2 to 0,9]4,0 (3,5; 4,0) [3,6 to 4,9]0,002
Time until vitrectomy (days) [95% CI]2,0 (1,0; 3,5) [1,0 to 3,0]2,5 (2,0; 6,0) [2,0 to 6,2]0,739

Yes [95% CI]17 (63,0) [39,3 to 77,8]8 (88,9) [55,6 to 100,0]0,223
No [95% CI]10 (37,0) [22,2 to 60,7]1 (11,1) [0,0 to 44,4]

Yes [95% CI]12 (44,4) [25,9 to 71,8]4 (44,4) [11,1 to 70,9]1,000
No [95% CI]15 (55,6) [28,2 to 74,1,7]5 (55,6) [29,1 to 88,9]

Visual outcome
Poor outcome, n (%) [95% CI]7 (25,9) [11,1 to 39,9]8 (88,9) [51,3 to 100,0]0,001
Good outcome, n (%) [95% CI]20 (74,1) [60,1 to 88,9]1 (11,1) [0,0 to 48,7]

Values are displayed as median (IQR) for continuous variables and number (%) for categorical variables. Comparisons were made with nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test following Dunn-Bonferroni post hoc tests. The level of statistical significance was set at . Poor outcome was classified as VA worse than or equal than counting fingers (CF) and good outcome classified as VA better than CF. PPV = pars plana vitrectomy; VA = visual acuity; logMAR = logarithm of the minimal angle of resolution.