Research Article

Multimodal Imaging Observation in Different Progressive Types of Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy

Figure 3

Comparison of first and last fundus autofluorescence (AF) and infrared autofluorescence (IRAF) images in patients with type 1 and type 2. (a, e): First and last AF images, respectively, of the left eye of type 1 patient P1, showing enlarged area of hypo-AF at the posterior pole. (b, f): First and last IRAF images, respectively, of the left eye of P1, showing the expansion of hypo-IRAF area in the posterior pole. (c, g) First and last AF images, respectively, of the left eye of type 2 patient P4, showing that the range of hypo-AF around the macula area expanded at the posterior pole, with no significant AF change in the macula area. (d, h): First and last IRAF images, respectively, of the left eye of P4, showing no significant change of the posterior pole.