Research Article

Osteoporosis Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Beliefs among College Students in the USA and China

Table 1

Osteoporosis Health Belief Scale scores of college- aged students from China and the USA.

Subscale (6–30 possible points)All participants

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD
-test -value for -testX2 -value for X2

Susceptibility 1.72.08747.43*.001
Seriousness 0.37.71230.83*.030
Benefits of exercise 9.89*.000121.6*.000
Benefits of calcium 17.81*.000278.22*.000
Barriers of exercise −10.07*.000110.07*.000
Barriers of calcium −8.26*.00093.06*.000
Health motivation 2.99*.00342.04*.009
Health belief total score (42–210 possible points) 4.68*.000115.33*.003

*Significant at .