Clinical Study

Surgical Approach and Laser Applications in BRONJ Osteoporotic and Cancer Patients

Table 6

Improvement and healing in relation with primary disease and BRONJ stage independently by the therapy (BM: bone metastasis, MM: multiple myeloma, OP: osteoporosis and/or rheumatoid arthritis).

Primary diseaseStageNumber of sitesImprovement (%)Healing (%)

BMI1814 (77%)14 (77%)
II4837 (77%)25 (52%)
III30 (0%)0 (0%)

MMI129 (75%)8 (66.6%)
II4428 (63.6%)22 (50%)
III30 (0%)0 (0%)

OPI65 (83.3%)5 (83.3%)
II2622 (84.6%)17 (65.4%)
III64 (66.6%)4 (66.6%)