Research Article

FRAX Calculated without BMD Resulting in a Higher Fracture Risk Than That Calculated with BMD in Women with Early Breast Cancer

Table 5

The 10-year probability of hip fracture stratified by age.

FRAX Scores of Hip Fracture w/o BMD (n=116)FRAX Scores of Hip Fracture w/ BMD (n=116)

Age group<6 (n=64)58(90.6)6(9.4)61(95.3)3(4.7)
≥6 (n=52)5(9.6)47(90.4)29(55.8)23(44.2)

Data presented as n (%).
testing between the age groups using Chi Square test with Yates correction p <0.001.
scores of hip fracture without BMD vs with BMD in below 65 years. p = 0.453 (McNemar test).
scores of hip fracture without BMD vs with BMD in 65 years and above. p <0.001 (McNemar test).