Review Article

Patients’ Views on Medical Events in Lung Cancer Screening as Teachable Moments for Smoking Behaviour Change: A Systematic Review and Metasynthesis

Figure 3

Conceptual map of the line-of-argument depicting the main reasons attendees believed that medical events in lung cancer screening were teachable moments for smoking behaviour change in line with the teachable moment heuristic ([13]). Note: on the far left is a box labelled “common reasons explaining the effectiveness of medical events within lung cancer screening as teachable moments which contains the four main reasons across all teachable moments that attendees” believed to lead to smoking behaviour change. From this box, an arrow points right to a smaller box, which depicts how these four reasons help attendees acquire new skills, increase self-efficacies, and increase motivation. From this box, another arrow points right to the smallest box, representing how this results in smoking behaviour change. LCS = lung cancer screening.