Review Article

Strategies for Diagnosis and Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism during Pregnancy

Table 1

Causes for increased incidence of VTE during pregnancy.

(1) Hypercoagulation state in pregnancy
 (a) Increase in the levels of procoagulants
  (i) Factor II, factor VII, factor X, and fibrin
(2) Anticoagulants decrease
 (a) Acquired protein C resistance
 (b)  Decreased levels of protein S
(3)  Increased venous stasis
 (a) Decreased venous capacitance under hormonal influence
 (b) Increased intravascular volume distends veins
 (c) Inferior vena cava obstructed secondary to pressure from uterus
(4)  Vascular damage
  (a)  Related to vaginal and caesarean delivery