Research Article

Comparison of Naturally Conceived and IVF-DZ Twins in the Netherlands Twin Registry: A Developmental Study

Table 1

Parental, birth, and child characteristics of IVF/ICSI DZ twin pairs, naturally conceived (NC) DZ twin pairs, and a group of DZ twin pairs matched for birth cohort, educational level, maternal age, gestational age, and smoking behavior during pregnancy (matched NC pairs).

NC pairs
𝑁 = 5 3 1 5
IVF/ICSI pairs
𝑁 = 1 5 3 4
𝑃 * Matched NC pairs
𝑁 = 1 5 0 4
𝑃 **

Age mother (y) (mean ± SD)30.99 (3.78)33.25 (3.44)<0.00133.08 (3.68)0.185
Age father (y) (mean ± SD)33.19 (2.44)36.03 (4.68)<0.00135.01 (4.69)0.001
Smoked during pregnancy (% yes)1344 (25.3%)264 (17.2%)<0.001283 (18.8%)0.249
Educational level
 % Low1999 (37.6%)553 (36.0%)0.515544 (36.2%)0.842
 % Middle2184 (41.1%)651 (42.4%)649 (43.2%)
 % High1132 (21.2%)330 (21.5%)311 (20.7%)
Gestational age (weeks) (mean ± SD)36.84 (2.43)36.40 (2.54)<0.00136.50 (2.43)0.241
 % >32 and <37 weeks1539 (29.0%)561 (36.6%)<0.001551 (36.6%)0.847
 % ≤32 weeks326 (6.1%)109 (7.1%)99 (6.6%)

Child sex (% boys)5464 (51.4%)1586 (51.7%)0.7751566 (52.1%)0.775
Older sibs (%)2199 (57.2%)232 (21.5%)<0.001691 (63.3%)<0.001
Height mother (cm) (mean ± SD)170.39 (6.42)169.91 (6.67)0.012170.49 (6.45)0.017
Weight before pregnancy (kg) (mean ± SD)69.13 (11.77)68.52 (11.69)0.07769.40 (11.95)0.042
Weight gain during pregnancy (kg) (mean ± SD)16.41 (6.23)16.35 (6.54)0.78216.24 (6.04)0.630

Note: * 𝑃 value based on tests comparing IVF and unmatched NC twin pairs ** 𝑃 value based on tests comparing IVF and matched NC twin pairs.