Clinical Study

Determinants and Outcomes of Emergency Caesarean Section following Failed Instrumental Delivery: 5-Year Observational Review at a Tertiary Referral Centre in London

Table 3

Maternal outcomes: birth trauma.

ComplicationIndication: abnormal CTG (%)Indication: failure to progress (%)

Nil11 (50)50 (48.5)
Episiotomy2 (9.1)2 (2.1)
Perineal tear/graze1 (4.5)12 (12.8)
Uterine extension8 (36.4)30 (30.9)
Delivered as breech2 (9.1)2 (2.1)
Broad ligament haematoma03 (3.1)
Wound dehiscence01 (1.0)
Inverted T01 (1.0)
Bladder injury01 (1.0)
Urethral tear01 (1.0)