Clinical Study

The Routine Use of Prophylactic Oxytocin in the Third Stage of Labor to Reduce Maternal Blood Loss

Table 1

The maternal characteristics and perinatal outcomes in each group.

Control group
RUPO group

Maternal age (years)NS
Nulliparous (%)221 (54.3%)196 (50.0%)NS
Prepregnancy BMI (kg/m2)NS
Prepregnancy obesity (BMI ≥ 25)41 (10.1%)61 (15.5%)
Leiomyomas (%)10 (2.5%)12 (3.1%)NS
Preeclampsia (%)11 (2.7%)8 (2.0%)NS
Hydramnios (%)14 (3.4%)10 (2.5%)NS
Gestational age at delivery (weeks)NS
Birthweight (g)2,895 ± 6192,871 ± 561NS
Macrosomia ≥ 4,000 g (%)6 (1.5%)3 (0.8%)NS
Induction of labor with oxytocin (%)106 (26%)107 (27%)NS
Duration of labor (min)NS
Prolonged labor (%)12 (2.9%)33 (8.4%)
Duration of the second stage of labor (min)NS
Prolonged second stage of labor (%)73 (17.9%)70 (17.8%)NS
Vacuum extraction (%)20 (4.9%)20 (5.1%)NS
Cervical laceration (%)3 (0.7%)0 (0%)NS

RUPO, routine use of prophylactic oxytocin; BMI, body mass index.