Research Article

Placental Vitamin D-Binding Protein Expression in Human Idiopathic Fetal Growth Restriction

Table 2

Patient demographic and obstetric characteristics.

Patient characteristicsControl ( = 17)FGR-affected ( = 18) value

Maternal age (yrs)32.12 (±1.33)30.44 (±1.65)0.43


Gestational age (wks)35.47 (±1.03)36.56 (±0.64)0.38

Birthweight centile (%)65.85 (±5.90)3.06 (±0.64)<0.001

Placental weight583.36 (±32.37)399.88 (±25.19)<0.001

Infant sex

Mode of delivery
 Caesarean (in labour)12
 Caesarean (not in labour)1211

Data presented as the mean (±SEM).
Student’s -test with Welch’s correction was used for parametric data.
2 × 2 contingency table with Fisher’s Exact Test or a 3 × 2 contingency table with Chi-Squared Test was used (where appropriate) for categorical data.
Placental weights for = 3 controls and = 2 FGR-affected pregnancies were not recorded.