Research Article

Mode of Delivery according to Leisure Time Physical Activity before and during Pregnancy: A Multicenter Cohort Study of Low-Risk Women

Table 2

Physical activity levels the year before pregnancy and mode of delivery according to maternal characteristics. The Danish Dystocia Study, 2004-2005. .

Characteristics Physical activity the year before pregnancyMode of delivery
Any physical activitySedentarySpontaneous vaginal deliveryVacuum extractorEmergency C-section

Total2304 (94.6)131 (5.4)1854 (76.1)369 (15.2)212 (8.7)

Maternal age (years)
 <25375 (96.2)15 (3.9)317 (81.3)42 (10.8)31 (8.0)
 25–291132 (93.9)73 (6.1)935 (77.6)177 (14.7)93 (7.7)
 30–34635 (94.4)38 (5.7)480 (71.3)126 (18.7)67 (10.0)
 ≥35162 (97.0)5 (3.0)122 (73.1)24 (14.4)21 (12.6)
Educational level after secondary education
 <3 years781 (92.5)63 (7.5)619 (73.3)144 (17.1)81 (9.6)
 3-4 years731 (95.9)31 (4.1)587 (77.0)102 (13.4)73 (9.6)
 >4 years361 (96.0)15 (4.0)282 (75.0)69 (18.4)25 (6.7)
Never commenced/interrupted training studying177 (94.7)10 (5.4)141 (75.4)26 (13.9)20 (10.7)
254 (95.5)12 (4.5)225 (84.6)28 (10.5)13 (4.9)
Body mass index
 <18.5107 (98.2)2 (1.8)90 (82.6)15 (13.8)4 (3.7)
 18.5–24.991685 (95.3)8 (4.8)1357 (76.7)268 (15.2)144 (8.1)
 25–30374 (95.9)16 (4.1)288 (73.9)60 (15.4)42 (10.8)
 >30138 (82.6)29 (17.4)119 (71.2)26 (15.6)22 (13.2)
Smoking (cigarettes)
 No smoking2085 (95.1)107 (4.9)1675 (76.4)331 (15.1)186 (8.5)
 1–10 per day165 (93.2)12 (6.8)126 (71.2)28 (15.8)23 (13.0)
 11–20 per day54 (81.8)12 (18.2)53 (80.3)10 (15.2)3 (4.6)
 Physically demanding791 (97.1)24 (2.9)602 (73.9)129 (15.8)84 (10.3)
 Not physically demanding891 (93.4)63 (6.6)733 (76.8)141 (14.8)80 (8.4)

= 666.
C-section = caesarean section.