Research Article

Prevalence and Factors Influencing Alcohol Use in Pregnancy among Women Attending Antenatal Care in Dodoma Region, Tanzania: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Factors associated with alcohol use among pregnant women attending Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) clinic in Dodoma using chi-square (n=365).

VariableEver drank in the index pregnancy

Educational status
≤ Primary education43 (14.2)250 (85.6)
Post-primary education12 (19.4)60 (80.8)34.980.000
Source of income
Small business21 (13.0)141 (87.0)
Farming28 (14.8)161 (85.2)8.20.045
Making local brews6 (42.9)8 (57.1)
Participant’s hobbies
Making stories27 (23.9)86 (76.1)
Television/ radio11 (7.3)139 (92.7)23.2380.000
Music (sing/ dancing17 (16.785 (83.3)
Pre-pregnancy alcohol use (6 months)
Yes47 (70.1)20 (29.9)
No8 (2.7)290 (97.3)194.50.000
Partner drinking alcohol
Yes37 (28.7)92 (71.3)
No18 (7.6)218 (92.4)26.90.000
Partner drinking place
At home12 (44.4)15 (55.6)
Outside home25 (22.7)85 (77.3)28.90.000
never drinks18 (7.9)210 (92.1)
Drinking with husband
Yes22 (61.1)14 (38.9)
No33 (10.0)296 (90.0)66.1580.000
Friends using alcohol
Yes40 (28.8)99 (71.2)
No15 (6.6)211 (93.4)32.960.000
Relatives using alcohol
Yes46 (26.0)131 (74.0)
No9 (4.8)179 (95.2)32.020.000
Previous pregnancies complications
Yes12 (36.4)21 (63.6)
No43 (13.0)289 (87.0)12.8560.001
Pregnancy plan
Planned22 (11.3)17 (88.7)4.690.0039
Unplanned33 (19.4)137 (80.6)