Research Article

Maternal Hepatitis B Infection Burden, Comorbidity and Pregnancy Outcome in a Low-Income Population on the Myanmar-Thailand Border: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study population, comparing the three investigated groups with an overall p value.

All womenControlsHBsAg+/HBeAg- HBsAg+/HBeAg+P value

Age yrs, mean ± SD (min-max)26 ± 7 (13-50)26 ± 7 (13-50)29 ± 7 (15-47)23 ± 6 (15-45)<0.001

Age<25 years5,060 (45.9)4,782/10,338 (46.3)134/476 (28.2)144/211 (68.2)<0.001

Gravidity median [IQR] 2 []2 3 2 <0.001

Parity median [IQR] 1 []1 2 1 <0.001

Primigravida3,522 (31.9)3,349/10,338 (32.4)90/476 (18.9)83/211 (39.3)<0.001

Karen ethnicity7,162 (65.0)6,667/10,338 (64.5)341/476 (71.6)154/211 (73.0)0.002

Status Migrant (not refugee)6,452 (58.5)6,063/10,338 (58.6)249/476 (52.3)140/211 (66.4)0.002

Literate6,728 (61.0)6,330/10,338 (61.2)274/476 (57.6)124/211 (58.8)0.219

Smoker1,440 (13.1)1,338/10,338 (12.9)80/476 (16.8)22/211 (10.4)0.026

First ANC visit in 1st trimester4,479 (40.6)4,189/10,337 (40.5)206/476 (43.3)83/211 (39.3)0.479

EGA in weeks at first ANC median [IQR]17 17 16 18 0.181

Underweight2, (BMI<18.5 kg/m2)724/4,463 (16.2)690/4,173 (16.5)24/206 (11.7)9/83 (10.8)0.174

Overweight3, (BMI23 kg/m2)1,236/4,463 (27.7)1,142/4,173 (27.4)75/206 (36.4)19/83 (22.9)<0.001

Height (cm) mean (min-max)151 ± 5 (130-191)151 ± 5 (130-191)152 ± 5 (134-174)152 ± 6 (137-174)0.937

Previous miscarriage (Gravidity >1)2,321/7,503 (30.9)2,171/6,989 (31.1)114/386 (29.5)36/211 (28.1)0.108

Previous PTB (Gravidity>1)589/7,503 (7.9)541/6,989 (7.7)33/386 (8.5)15/128 (11.7)0.144

HBsAg negative.
Data are n (%), mean ± standard deviation (SD) (min-max); median inter-quartile range [IQR] (min-max). Abbreviations: ANC, antenatal clinic, BMI, body mass index, PTB, preterm birth.
Missing data: BMI missing for 38 women for all women and 16 with first ANC in trimester one. P value: proportions compared by Chi-square test, means by Students t-test; median by the Mann-Whitney U test, BMI regardless of trimester at first ANC visit; underweight - BMI <18.5 mg/kg2 compared to normal weight - BMI 18.5 to <23.5 mg/kg2.
BMI if trimester at first ANC was trimester one, as a proxy for prepregnancy weight; over weight BMI ≥23.5 mg/kg2 compared to normal weight.