Research Article

Factors That Determine the Likelihood of Giving Birth to the First Child within 10 Months after Marriage

Table 1

Descriptive statistics of the outcome variable (birth length status) and the predictor variables.

Variable% or mean

Birth length status
 1–10 months2,06631.66
>10 months4,45968.34
Geographical location
Ever terminated pregnancy?
Oral contraceptive use
Anaemia status
Husband stays at home
Partner’s educational level
 No education2,26434.70
Beating justified if goes out without husband’s notice?
Beating justified if neglects child?
Beating justified if argues with husband?
Beating justified if refuses to have sex with husband?
Beating justified if burns food?
Mean age of respondents6,52519.65
Mean age at first sex6,52517.38
Mean weight of respondents6,525591.841
Mean weight of haemoglobin level6,525119.51