Research Article

Oxidative Stress Induced Damage and Early Senescence in Preterm Placenta

Table 1

Distribution of subject characteristics.

CharacteristicsTerm ()Preterm () value

Age (years)0.288
Nullipara/multipara (%)#12 (17.91%)/22 (32.84%)20 (29.85%)/14 (20.90%)0.088
Preterm history (%)#2 (2.99%)2 (2.99%)1.000
Maternal BMI (kg/m2)0.103
Maternal UAC (cm)0.160
Hemoglobin (g/dL)0.121
Leukocyte (/μL)^10200 (8975–13125)15100 (11355–17100)0.001
Thrombocyte (103/μL)0.476
Gestational age at labor (week)<0.001
Birth weight (gram)<0.001
Birth length (cm)<0.001
Placental weight (gram)<0.001
Spontaneous labor/vacuum assisted/caesarean section (%)#13 (19.40%)/3 (4.48%)/18 (26.87%)25 (37.31%)/0 (0%)/8 (11.94%)0.002

Homogenous data presented as , the value for independent sample -test; #frequency (percentage from total), chi-square or Fisher’s exact; ^median (interquartile range), Mann–Whitney test; value < 0.05. SDB: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; BMI: body mass index; UAC: upper arm circumference; OGTT: oral glucose tolerance test.