Research Article

Characterisation of the Fusarium graminearum-Wheat Floral Interaction

Figure 4

Detection of fungal RNA within the relevant rachis internode correlated with the identification of fungal hyphae at the cellular level (presented in Figure 2). Panels (a) and (b) are photographs of the water-only control (Mock) and the PH-1 infected ears at 5 dpi. The four sequential rachis internodes below the inoculated spikelet from the mock control (c through f) and PH-1 infected (g through j) ears, bar: 1 mm. RT-PCR of the RNA extracted from the rachis internodes of the mock control (k) and the PH-1 infected (l) using primers for F. graminearum gamma actin (141 bp) separated on a 2% agarose gel alongside a 100 bp DNA ladder (GeneRuler, Fermentas). RI-1 to RI-4: the sequential rachis internodes below the inoculated spikelet, −ve: the nontemplate negative control, +ve: the F. graminearum gDNA positive control. Inoculated spikelets are marked with a black dot.