Research Article

Novel Genetic Variants of Hepatitis B Virus in Fulminant Hepatitis

Table 2

The best combination of six candidate nucleotides of HBV associated with fulminant hepatitis was chosen from top 55 candidate nucleotides using brute force selection method implemented with SVM dot kernel algorithm.

NucleotideGene/regulatory elementFulminant, (% sensitivity)Acute, (% specificity)% accuracy value

C2129Core17 (25.4)1 (99.6)85.3
T720Surface/polymerase-RT9 (13.4)1 (99.6)83.0
Y2131Core6 (9.0)0 (100.0)82.4
T2013Core5 (7.5)0 (100.0)82.1
K2048Core5 (7.5)0 (100.0)82.1
A2512Polymerase-TP5 (7.5)0 (100.0)82.1

HBV, hepatitis B virus; SVM, support vector machine; RT, reverse transcriptase; TP, terminal protein; % accuracy = (67 ×  % sensitivity + 280 ×  % specificity)/(67 + 280); Fisher’s exact test; value of is equivalent to 1.897 × 10−12.