Research Article

Propagation and Molecular Characterization of Bioreactor Adapted Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Isolates of Malaysia

Figure 6

Phylogenetic analysis of bioreactor, CAM adapted, and conventional flask propagated UPM0081 and UPM190. Phylogenetic relationship of taxa between bioreactor, BGM-70, and CEE passaged UPM190 and UPM0081 isolates with reference sequences to determine their phylogenetic relationship. The evolutionary history was inferred using the Neighbor-Joining method with bootstrap (1000 replicates). The evolutionary distances were computed using Poisson correction method. The analysis involved 30 amino acid sequences with a total of 80 positions. The analyses were conducted in MEGA7. Note that the UPM strains formed 2 distinct clusters within the vvIBDV branches from the reference sequences indicating their close relationship.