Research Article

Seasonal Abundance and Host-Feeding Patterns of Anopheline Vectors in Malaria Endemic Area of Iran

Table 1

Analysis of anthropophilic index of anopheline vectors according to type of resting places in south and southeastern Iran (the malaria endemic area) during study 2007-2008.

SpeciesNo. of blood mealsResting site
OutInTotalPositive to Human Blood (%)Out doorIndoors
Human dwellingAnimal shed

An. stephensi9038947995 (19.8%)26 (5.4%)20 (4.2%)49 (10.2%)
An. culicifacies5738143872 (16.4%)12 (2.7%)13 (3.0%)47 (10.7%)
An. fluviatilis2112314454 (37.5%)15 (10.4%)11 (7.6%)28 (19.4%)
An. d'thali525425981 (30.1%)06 (2.2%)75 (27.9%)