Research Article

Ectoparasite Community Structure of Two Bats (Myotis lucifugus and M. septentrionalis) from the Maritimes of Canada

Table 2

Prevalence (%) of infection (sample size) of Myotis lucifugus and M. septentrionalis with any ectoparasite at each of 20 swarming sites in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Aug–Oct 2010.

SiteM. lucifugus  (n) M. septentrionalis  (n) % of all bats infected

(1)Berryton Cave (NB)31 (29)0 (3)28
(2)Cape D'Or (NS)0 (1)0 (4)0
(3)Cave of the Bats (NS)100 (3)67 (15)72
(4)Cheverie Cave (NS)42 (26)40 (10)42
(5)Frenchman's (NS)33 (6)45 (11)41
(6)Gays River (NS)N/A (0)10 (10)10
(7)Hayes Cave (NS)74 (39)33 (3)71
(8)Glenelg (NS)44 (25)100 (5)53
(9)Howes Cave (NB)20 (5)56 (18)48
(10)Lake Charlotte (NS)83 (12)83 (6)83
(11)Lear Shaft (NS)54 (24)25 (16)43
(12)Minasville Cave (NS)33 (24)35 (20)34
(13)Natural Bridge Cave (NS)100 (2)50 (6)63
(14)Peddlers Cave (NS)N/A (0)40 (5)40
(15)Rawdon Gold Mine (NS)40 (52)62 (60)52
(16)Reid Road (NS)50 (6)33 (3)44
(17)Upper Road (NS)25 (12)70 (10)45
(18)Vault Cave (NS)15 (13)50 (2)20
(19)Whites Cave (NB)56 (9)26 (23)34
(20)Woodville Cave (NS)42 (12)63 (8)50

Total46 (300)48 (237)47