Research Article

Acute Disruption of Bone Marrow B Lymphopoiesis and Apoptosis of Transitional and Marginal Zone B Cells in the Spleen following a Blood-Stage Plasmodium chabaudi Infection in Mice

Figure 7

Depletion of MZB but not FoB cells in spleen during PcAS infection. (a) and (b) Spleens cells from noninfected mice and mice infected with PcAS for 10–41 days were stained for surface markers commonly used to define MZB (a) and FoB (b) cells and analyzed using FACS. Data are represented as mean of three mice per group ± SEM, two independent repeat experiments were performed and statistics are compared to uninfected controls (**) . (c), (d), and (e) MZB and FoB cells were detected as (AA4.1) B220+CD1d+ (CD23loCD21hi), respectively, (AA4.1) B220+CD1d- (CD23hiCD21lo), in noninfected mice and mice on day 10 and 30 pi.