Research Article

Plasmodium falciparum msp2 Genotypes and Multiplicity of Infections among Children under Five Years with Uncomplicated Malaria in Kibaha, Tanzania

Table 1

Sequence of primers for amplifying msp2 gene of Plasmodium falciparum.

PrimerSequencePrimer pair

S25′-GAA GGT AAT TAA AAC ATT GTC-3′ (sense)S2/S3
S35′-GAG GGA TGT TGC TGC TCC ACA-3′ (antisense)

S15′-GAG TAT AAG GAG AAG TAT G-3′ (sense)S1/S4
S4 5′-CTA GAA CCA TGC ATA TGT CC-3′ (antisense)