Research Article

Therapeutic and Safety Evaluation of Combined Aqueous Extracts of Azadirachta indica and Khaya senegalensis in Chickens Experimentally Infected with Eimeria Oocysts

Figure 7

Photomicrograph of the intestine of chickens infected with Eimeria oocysts and treated with graded doses of the combined extract and control. (a) 100 mg/kg: combined extract of KS and AI treatment; moderate cryptic destruction and intracryptic developmental stages of Eimeria H&E: ×400. (b) 200 mg/kg: intestine infected with Eimeria spp.; moderate cryptic destruction and intracryptic developmental stages of Eimeria and intestinal fibrosis H&E: ×400. (c) Amprolium 10 mg/L: chicken, intestine, moderate cryptic destruction and ectasia, intracryptic developmental stages of Eimeria, and intestinal fibrosis H&E: ×400. (d) 400 mg/kg extract: moderate cryptic destruction and intracryptic developmental stages of Eimeria H&E: ×: 400. (e) Control (−ve) intestine infected with Eimeria spp.; severe cryptic destruction and intracryptic developmental stages of Eimeria and intestinal fibrosis H&E: ×400.