Research Article

Profile of Geohelminth Eggs, Cysts, and Oocysts of Protozoans Contaminating the Soils of Ten Primary Schools in Dschang, West Cameroon

Table 3

Type and frequency of nematode eggs found in soil samples per sampling sites.

Nematodes SitesTotal
Frequency (%)
Around latrines
Frequency (%)
Frequency (%)
Behind classrooms
Frequency (%)

Ascaris 12 (7.5)02 (1.7)14 (3.5)
Trichuris 6 (4)02 (1.7)8 (2)
Capillaria1 (0.7)3 (2.5)2 (1.7)6 (1.5)
Cooperia 00 2 (1.7)2 (0.5)
Hookworms00 1 (0.9)1 (0.25)
Total19 (11.9)3 (2.5)9 (7.5)31 (7.75)

significance ().