Research Article

Assessment of Malaria Predisposing Factors among Crop Production Farmers Attending the Ndop District Hospital, Northwest Region of Cameroon

Table 3

Occurrence of malaria according to frequent use of LLINs and knowledge on malaria transmission/prevention.

Malaria positive (%)Malaria negative (%)Row total (%)Fisher’s exact test ( value)

History on frequent use of ITNs (12 months)
 Frequent use11 (7.69)440 (76.92)451 (63.08)< 0.0001
 No frequent use132 (92.31)132 (23.08)264 (36.92)
Knowledge on malaria transmission/prevention
 Knowledgeable73 (51.05)535 (93.53)608 (85.03)< 0.0001
 Not knowledgeable70 (48.95)37 (6.47)107 (14.97)
Column total (%)143 (20)572 (80)715