Research Article

Prevalence of Soil-Transmitted Helminth and Schistosoma mansoni Infection and Their Associated Factors among Hiruy Abaregawi Primary School Children, Rural Debre Tabor, North West Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

STH and S. mansoni infections with sociodemographic factors among Hiruy Abaregawi primary school children from March to April, 2019, Debre Tabor Town, North West Ethiopia.

Sociodemographic characteristicsSTH and S. mansoni infection

 Male32 (16.0%)162 (84%)194 (57.1%)
 Female19 (13.0%)127 (87%)146 (42.9%)
 5-917 (14.5%)100 (85.5%)117 (34.4%)
 10-1430 (16.0%)159 (84.0%)189 (55.6%)
 15-184 (11.7%)30 (88.3%)34 (10.0%)
Education level of the students
 Grades 1-432 (20.0%)129 (80.0%)161 (47.4%)
 Grades 5-819 (10.6%)160 (89.4%)179 (52.6%)
 Rural37 (15.3%)204 (84.7%)241 (70.9%)
 Urban14 (14.0%)85 (86.0%)99 (29.1%)
Father’s educational status
 Illiterate29 (17.0%)140 (83.0%)169 (49.7%)
 1-817 (13.0%)115 (87.0%)132 (38.8%)
 High school and above5 (12.8%)34 (87.2%)39 (11.5%)
Mother’s educational status
 Illiterate39 (17.6%)182 (82.4%)22 (65.0%)
 1-810 (8.8%)103 (91.2%)113 (33.3%)
 High school and above1 (6.2%)15 (93.8%)16 (4.7%)