Research Article

Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Coinfection of Urogenital Schistosomiasis and Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis among Primary School Children in Biase, Southern Nigeria

Table 5

Bivariate and multivariate analysis of risk factors associated with urogenital schistosomiasis among school children in Biase LGA.

Factors ()Number positive (%)Df valueAdjusted odds ratio (95% C.I.)

Male (300)27 (9.00)7.93110.0052.868 (1.397-5.889)¥
Female (330)11 (3.33)7.93110.0050.349 (0.170–0.716)
Age group (years)
5–7 (69)3 (4.35)0.12610.7230.683 (0.204–2.283)
8–10 (321)13 (4.05)3.85110.0500.480 (0.241–0.955)
11–13 (217)21 (9.68)6.81210.0092.496 (1.287–4.838)¥
14–16 (23)1 (4.35)0.00011.0000.700 (0.092–5.340)
Father’s occupation
Farming (327)9 (2.75)11.7261<0.0010.267 (0.124–0.575)
Trading (228)5 (2.19)8.25910.0040.251 (0.097–0.652)
Civil servant (31)3 (9.68)0.23810.6261.725 (0.500–5.958)
Daily labourer (30)20 (66.67)193.2521<0.00164.667 (26.494–157.840)
Others (14)1 (7.14)0.00011.0001.204 (0.153–9.454)
Mother’s occupation
Civil servant (343)10 (2.92)11.7221<0.0010.278 (0.133–0.582)
Farming (258)25 (9.69)9.25210.0022.963 (1.486–5.909)¥
Trading (21)3 (14.29)1.32210.2502.733 (0.768–9.723)
Housewife (2)0 (0.00)NANANANA
Others (6)0 (0.00)NANANANA
Father’s educational status
Primary (175)10 (5.71)0.00010.9830.924 (0.439–1.945)
Secondary (340)8 (2.35)16.2551<0.0010.209 (0.094–0.463)
Tertiary (100)8 (8.00)0.45210.5011.449 (0.644–3.261)
No formal education (15)12 (80.00)135.2611<0.00190.615 (24.092–340.824)¥
Mother’s educational status
Primary (293)11 (3.75)4.29010.0380.448 (0.218–0.920)
Secondary (292)19 (6.51)0.08910.7661.169 (0.606–2.252)
Tertiary (27)3 (11.11)0.51810.4722.029 (0.582–7.065)
No formal education (18)5 (27.78)11.7621<0.0016.748 (2.270–20.060)¥
Water contact activities
Bathing (174)7 (4.02)1.25710.2620.575 (0.248–1.331)
Swimming (207)16 (7.73)1.15310.2831.527 (0.784–2.974)
Cross streams to farm (5)3 (60.00)17.1901<0.00125.286 (4.091–156.283)¥
Washing (98)5 (5.10)0.03610.8490.813 (0.309–2.137)
Fetching (146)7 (4.79)0.26810.6040.736 (0.317–1.708)
Number of times visit the stream or river
Once (385)14 (3.64)8.94510.0030.348 (0.176–0.686)
Twice (205)18 (8.78)3.36410.0671.949 (1.001–3.771)¥
Severally (40)6 (15.00)4.48910.0343.077 (1.204–7.863)¥
Distance of home from the stream
1 km (47)7 (14.89)5.44910.0203.116 (1.292–7.518)¥
2 km (325)21 (6.46)0.09010.7641.170 (0.605–2.263)
>3 km (258)10 (3.88)2.96710.0850.495 (0.236–1.039)
Knowledge of schistosomiasis
Yes (327)9 (2.75)11.7261<0.0010.267 (0.124–0.575)
No (303)29 (9.57)11.7261<0.0013.739 (1.740–8.038)¥

¥Significantly associated with urogenital schistosomiasis; : number examined; significant at .