Research Article

Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Coinfection of Urogenital Schistosomiasis and Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis among Primary School Children in Biase, Southern Nigeria

Table 6

Bivariate and multivariate analysis of risk factors associated with STHs among school children in Biase LGA.

Factors ()Number positive (%)Df valueAdjusted odds ratio (95% C.I.)

Male (300)34 (11.33)0.00011.0001.012 (0.617–1.659)¥
Female (330)37 (11.21)0.00011.0000.988 (0.603–1.620)
Age group (years)
5–7 (69)3 (4.35)2.97610.0850.330 (0.101–1.077)
8–10 (321)24 (7.48)8.6601<0.0010.451 (0.268–0.757)
11–13 (217)39 (17.97)13.8661<0.0012.609 (1.582–4.302)¥
14–16 (23)5 (21.74)1.64310.1202.277 (0.818–6.335)¥
Father’s occupation
Farming (327)35 (10.70)0.11610.7330.889 (0.543–1.457)
Trading (228)21 (9.21)1.21010.2710.714 (0.417–1.223)
Civil servant (31)3 (9.68)0.00011.0000.837 (0.248–2.826)
Daily labourer (30)10 (33.3)13.1051<0.0014.418 (1.977–9.872)¥
Others (14)2 (14.29)0.00011.0001.321 (0.290–6.028)
Mother’s occupation
Civil servant (343)22 (6.41)16.7041<0.0010.333 (0.196–0.566)
Farming (258)39 (15.12)5.83010.0161.892 (1.151–3.111)¥
Trading (21)5 (23.81)2.24210.1342.571 (0.912–7.246)
Housewife (2)1 (50.00)0.37810.5397.971 (0.493–128.875)
Others (6)4 (66.67)13.4181<0.00116.627 (2.989–92.504)¥
Father’s educational status
Primary (175)34 (19.43)15.0201<0.0012.724 (1.647–4.506)¥
Secondary (340)20 (5.88)20.2851<0.0010.293 (0.170–0.504)
Tertiary (100)5 (5.00)3.95710.0470.370 (0.145–0.943)
No formal education (15)12 (80.00)65.7181<0.00137.695 (10.342–137.394)¥
Mother’s educational status
Primary (293)25 (8.53)3.60910.0580.590 (0.353–0.987)
Secondary (292)28 (9.59)1.24010.2650.728 (0.440–1.205)
Tertiary (27)5 (18.52)0.82310.3651.849 (0.678–5.047)
No formal education (18)13 (72.22)62.7101<0.00124.835 (8.550–72.135)¥
Walk barefoot
Yes (18)12 (66.67)51.3051<0.00118.746 (6.786–51.783)¥
No (612)59 (9.64)51.3051<0.0010.053 (0.019–0.147)
Wash fruits and vegetables
Yes (347)26 (7.49)10.12010.0010.428 (0.257–0.714)
No (283)45 (15.90)10.12010.0012.334 (1.400–3.892)¥
Wash hands after using toilet
Yes (371)39 (10.51)0.35010.5540.833 (0.507–1.370)
No (259)32 (12.36)0.35010.5541.200 (0.730–1.973)
Eat soils
Yes (366)55 (15.03)11.4511<0.0012.741 (1.533–4.902)¥
No (264)16 (6.06)11.4511<0.0010.365 (0.204–0.652)
Type of house
Block (491)35 (7.13)36.3161<0.0010.220 (0.132–0.367)
Mud (139)36 (25.90)36.3161<0.0014.554 (2.729–7.599)¥
Source of drinking water
Borehole (101)10 (9.90)0.09210.7620.843 (0.416–1.707)
Stream/river (19)18 (94.74)128.0171<0.001189.509 (24.807–1447.740)¥
Well (312)34 (10.90)0.02810.8680.929 (0.567–1.523)
Tap water (198)9 (4.55)12.0951<0.0010.2842 (0.138–0.584)
Where do you defecate
Water closet (388)20 (5.16)9.14510.0030.426 (0.247–0.733)
Pit latrine (142)30 (21.13)16.5621<0.0012.920 (1.746–4.885)¥
Open defecation (100)21 (21.00)10.12710.0022.552 (1.454–4.479)¥
Treatment for worm
Yes (567)28 (4.94)221.0211<0.0010.024 (0.013–0.046)
No (63)43 (68.25)221.0211<0.00141.388 (21.552–79.477)¥

¥Significantly associated with STH infection; : number examined; significant at .