Research Article

In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Crude Extracts of Three Medicinal Plants against Haemonchus Contortus in Sheep at Haramaya Municipal Abattoir, Eastern Hararghe

Table 2

Phytochemical screening methods (Debella, 2002; Harborne, 2007).

Secondary metabolitesPhytochemical testChemicals/methodIndicator

AlkaloidsMayer’s testMayer’s reagentCreamy precipitate
FlavonoidsShinoda’s testNaOH+HCl (dilut.)Intense yellow/colorless
GlycosidesFerric chloride test20%KOH + %5FeCl3Black precipitate
Phenolic compoundsFerric chloride test1%FeCl3+ 1 ml of K3Fe(CN)6Bluish green color
PhlobatanninsHCl test2 ml of 1%HClDeposition of a red precipitate
SaponinsFrothing testHeatFormation of persistent honeycomb froth
SteroidsSalkowski’s testCHCl3+H2SO4 (conc.)Reddish brown color
TerpenoidsFormation of yellow color
TanninsFerric chloride test0.1%FeCl3 (dilut.)Brownish green or blue black color

Note: CHCl3 = methyl chloroform; Conc. = concentrated; FeCl3 = ferric chloride; H2SO4 = sulfuric acid; HCl = hydrochloric acid; K3Fe(CN)6 = potassium ferrocyanide; KOH = potassium hydroxide; NaOH = sodium hydroxide.