Research Article

Predicting Disease Onset from Mutation Status Using Proband and Relative Data with Applications to Huntington's Disease

Table 5

Mean and standard deviation of the AAO estimated from the model (2.1) for four analyses.

LangbehnCOHORT data
dataProbands diagnosi s Probands sympto m Combined sympto m

CAG Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

41 57.06 10.50 59.84 8.78 57.74 9.13 59.33 11.68
43 48.06 8.62 51.17 7.31 49.32 7.90 50.63 9.60
46 38.66 7.08 41.29 5.97 39.66 6.57 41.20 7.59
48 34.32 6.57 36.31 5.47 34.75 5.95 36.69 6.79
50 31.08 6.28 32.32 5.16 30.80 5.50 33.21 6.28

using proband age-at-diagnosis data;
: using proband age-at-first-symptom data;
: using proband and relative combined age-at-first-symptom data.