Research Article

Integrating UAVs into the Cloud Using the Concept of the Web of Things

Table 2

Implemented UAVs resources and their interfaces.

UAV1/tempGets the temperature from the DHT sensor
/humidityGets the humidity from the DHT sensor
light/1 LED turns on
/light/0 LED turns off

UAV2/lighting/1LED blinks on and off continuously with time interval of 200 ms
/lighting/0LED stops blinking
/spray/1Buzzer beeps continuously with time interval of 200 ms while decreasing the tank capacity
/spray/0Buzzer stops beeping
/spray/tankReturns the remaining tank capacity
/spray/tank/fullRefills the tank capacity to the maximum

UAV3/tempGets the temperature from the DHT sensor
/humidityGets the humidity from the DHT sensor
/lighting/1LED blinks on and off continuously with time interval of 200 ms
/lighting/0LED stops blinking

UAV4/distanceReturns the distance in centimeters from ultrasonic sensor
/lighting/1LED blinks on and off continuously with time interval of 200 ms
/lighting/0LED stops blinking