Review Article

Carbon Nanotube-Based Electrochemical Sensors: Principles  and  Applications  in  Biomedical  Systems

Figure 13

(A) Linear scan voltammograms recorded at (a) GC/CHIT and (b) GC/CNT-CHIT film electrodes in 0.10 mM NADH solution. Traces a1 and b1 were recorded in a background electrolyte solution. For the clarity of presentation, traces b and b1 were shifted downward by 6  A along the -axis. Scan rate, 50 mV/s. (B) Amperometric response of the GC/CNT-CHIT-GDI-GDH film electrode to additions of glucose aliquots (10  M–5.0 mM) into a stirred solution of pH 7.40 phosphate buffer that contained 0.10 mM NAD+. Insets: corresponding calibration plots. Potential, 0.400 V. [Adapted with permission from Zhang et al. [103], Anal. Chem., 76, 5045 (2004). Copyright 2004, American Chemical Society.]