Research Article

Boundary Detection Method for Large-Scale Coverage Holes in Wireless Sensor Network Based on Minimum Critical Threshold Constraint

Algorithm 1

Local large-scale coarse boundary detection algorithm.
Input: Global coarse boundary , network graph inside , the ID set
   of all the sensor nodes in , the minimum critical threshold of large-scale coverage hole .
Output: Local large-scale coarse boundary .
(1)    while    do
(2)   for each sensor node   do //parallel process
(3)  generating a random time remaining;
(4)  if   == 0 do
(5)   generating a directed shortest path tree ;
(6)   ;
(7)   broadcasting the ID of and its initial random time remaining ;
(8)  end
(9)  if sensor node receives the ID sent by sensor node   do
(10)   if   doesn’t belong to any directed shortest path tree do
(11)    ;
(12)    ;
(13)   else
(14)    if    do
(15)      all node IDs in ;
(16)     broadcasting the ID of and its initial random time remaining ;
(17)    end if
(18)   end if
(19)  end if
(20) end for
(21)  end while
(22)   the cut node pair set in the directed shortest path tree ;
(23)  for each cut node pair in   do
(24)  Tarjan ();//Tarjan is a offline least common ancestor algorithm
(25)  computing the sum for path between to and to ;
(26)  end for
(27)   finding the cut node pair corresponding with the minimum value in ;
(28)   Tarjan ();
(29) the shortest path between to ;
(30) the shortest path between to ;
(31)   Min(, );
(32)   Min;
(33)  if    do
(34)  ;
(35)  end if
(36)  return  ;