Research Article

A Cluster-Based Fuzzy Fusion Algorithm for Event Detection in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

Algorithm 2

Pseudocode of -means based clustering algorithm (BCA).
: communication range of the CH
: a selected number of mobile nodes to determine number of clusters
Static_nodes: number of static nodes
Input: Coordinates of static nodes Vector_staticNodes
Determine value of :
(1) For  
(2) For all static nodes If
(4) Static_Number(++);
(5) End for
(6) End for
(9) Divide the sensing field into squares, and order the centres of squares to be initial positions of centroids.
Determine converged centroids using -means:
(1) Let initial initial positions of centroids to be
(2) Until there are no changes in any mean
(3) Use the estimated means to classify the samples into clusters
(4) For   from 1 to
(5) Replace with the mean of all of the samples for cluster
(6) End For
(7) End Until
Motion period for CHs:
(1) Select mobile nodes and dispatch them to locations of using greedy method or Hungarian method.