Research Article

WildSense: Monitoring Interactions among Wild Deer in Harsh Outdoor Environments Using a Delay-Tolerant WSN

Pseudocode 1

Pseudocode for the timer to send beacon via RF and localize the mote using GPS.
void Timer.fired() // repeatedly call every one second
  // RF communication for 5 seconds every 20 seconds
  If (there is the fired time within 5 seconds over a 20 second span)
    Turn on the RF power
    Send its own Beacon signal twice via RF
    If (No response via RF)
        Turn off the RF power
  // GPS Localization for the maximum 5 minutes every one hour
  If (there is the fired time within 5 minutes over one hour span)
    Turn on the GPS power and Localize the current mote
    Turn off the GPS power